Coaching is Leadership

Today’s complex business environment calls for a new approach to leadership. This approach must focus on co-creating meaningful value with and for all stakeholders, expanding beyond shareholders to include customers, employees, partners and our broader society. In an open system, everyone must win. Otherwise, they’ll simply go elsewhere.

This new style of leader must play four new roles: visionary, architect, coach and catalyst. The traditional roles, while still available to leaders when needed, become woven into the way people work.


See Other Work:

Storytelling with Data

Originally, the client’s customers had to request progress reports via email. Each report was a PDF or CSV file that included static charts of the requested financials. The client needed a way for customers to check the dynamic status and build a story with the data.

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Redesigning Mobile Payments

A redesigned taxonomy and Information Architecture, along with interaction design changes, reduced call center volume by 82% within two weeks after the launch of our redesigned app.

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